
College Name
Sep '22 - May '24

Masters in Health Science (Epidemiology) | Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD — Graduate student in Department of Epidemiology. Received the Master’s Tuition Scholarship for the program. I was recently inducted as a Center Scholar (Center for Drug Effectiveness Research) & received a Doctoral grade in the Cumulative Comprehensive Exams.

Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (2023)
Clinical Trials (2023)
Public Health Economics (2024)

College Name
Sep '14 - Nov '19

Bachelors in Dental Surgery | Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Dayananda Sagar College of Dental Science, Bangalore, India — Dental undergraduate program. Chosen Best outgoing student (All-rounder) in a graduating class of 55 students by a panel of professors. University top 10 – Oral and Maxillofasial Surgery out of 2000+ students. Graduated top 10% of outgoing class.


Company Name
Jun '24 - Aug '24

Health Economics and Outcomes Research Intern (Lung Oncology) | AstraZeneca — I supported the Lung Oncology team in conducting observational research (analysis of healthcare claims data and medical records, survey research) by conducting of burden of illness studies. I learned strategic evidence generation related to treatment patterns, testing patterns & prescription trends for US medical affairs and regulatory requirements.

Company Name
Oct '23 - Present

Research Intern | Maryland Department of Health — I provide research summaries, perform data analysis and generate evidence to assist the new Maryland Cannabis Public Health Advisory Council with making recommendations, including background and information on other state public health cannabis program strategies

Company Name
June '23 - Present

Graduate Teaching Assistant | Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University — I will be working as a teaching assistant for three courses - Intro to R, Epidemiological Inferences in Public Health I, and Statistical Methods in Public Health I. These classes are conducted by the Department of Biostatistics & Department of Epidemiology.

Company Name
Feb '23 - Apr '23

Consultant | Metabolon — I worked on a team to determine feasible FDA approval & insurance reimbursement pathways to launch a novel D2C metabolomic diagnostic company.

Company Name
Dec '22 - Present

Graduate Research Assistant | Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University — I am working on EHR data from the Hopkins database to analyze Long Covid outcomes & trends.

Company Name
Apr '21 - Aug '22

Drug Safety Physician | Indegene Inc., Bangalore — Worked on adverse event reports to provide causality assessment for drug safety signal studies including serious events for the Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine. I collaborated with stakeholders internationally to ensure regulatory compliance for FDA, EMA, MHRA and PMBDA submissions.

Company Name
Mar '20 - Mar '21

Private Dentist | Delhi NCR — Worked as a private junior dentist in various clinics across Delhi NCR.

Company Name
Sep '18 - Nov '19

House Surgeon | Dayananda Sagar College of Dental Sciences, India — Rotated in 8 specialties of dentistry, examining, diagnosing, and treating maxillofacial pathologies & traumas. I had the opportunity to work in several primary public health centers under the Government of India and provide low cost treatment to underserved populations.